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Orange France
Usability and Interaction Designer
April 2014 - April 2015

Project title:
NFC Payment applications
Worked on a wide range of Orange NFC application for Android:
Orange cash (contactless payment for France and Spain)
Orange cash for children (Jeune)
Orange NFC API customer Journey for the third party
Orange cloud commerce - Orage NFC Wallet App for payment providers

Orange Cash
Project description:
The mobile, contactless payment in France and Spain with the mobile payment application contactless Orange Cash, pay your purchases every day with your smartphone at your nearby merchants, your favourite stores and even on the Internet.
Axure prototype:
Orange NFC API
Project description:
Orange NFC API application allows Orange mobile users to enable the NFC functionality on their phone to use it with other APP's and application.
Axure prototype:

Orange Cloud Commerce
Project description:
Orange cloud app lets the user scan and save their bills and receipt and search for the best savings near the user and delivers money-saving vouchers that you can use at restaurants, high-street shops, days out, leisure, entertainment and much more.
Axure prototype:
Orange Wallet
Project description:
Orange Quick Tap is an NFC mobile payments application service, the mobile network operator has partnered with other NFC payment provider to launch their NFC apps and services with Orange Quick Tap.
Axure prototype:
Android storyboard:
Windows storyboard:

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